Businesses Ending Slavery & Trafficking Training Center

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Training type

Choose the training format that best suits your needs.

  • Take an online human trafficking prevention training course on your computer or phone. Certificates of completion are available immediately after completing a course.

  • Train a group in a live, in-person training session using BEST’s courses. Group courses include a facilitator’s guide. Attendees earn a certificate of completion through an online questionnaire.

Your industry focus

Select the industry that best describes your area of work.

  • BEST’s Inhospitable to Human Trafficking course is a proven tool that improves hotel safety. Human trafficking harms victims and poses serious safety risks to guests and employees. It can also expose your property to legal and financial liabilities. BEST’s online training course helps lodging staff identify the crime and proactively prevent it from occurring.

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  • Airports are hotspots for human trafficking, where crowds and anonymity make it easy for traffickers to move victims from one place to another. BEST's Flights to Freedom course teaches airport and aviation employees to recognize the signs of human trafficking and take action, making air travel safer for everyone.

  • Victims of labor trafficking are often trapped on ships and beyond the reach of help. Seaports can play a vital role in combating human trafficking, as vessel dockings offer victims an opportunity to ask for help. BEST's Ports to Freedom course equips maritime workers to recognize the signs of human trafficking and take action to stop it.

  • Transit employees are uniquely positioned to identify and respond to potential human trafficking situations. A U.S. study on human trafficking found that public transit played a role in the exit attempts of 26% of survivors. BEST's Transit to Freedom course equips transit employees to make a difference in these critical moments.

  • Human trafficking is a serious violation of human rights that harms individuals, businesses, and communities. If a business is linked to human trafficking, it can damage their reputation, lead to legal problems, and create ethical concerns. BEST Basics trains employees across all industries to recognize and respond to human trafficking, empowering businesses to positively impact their community.

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Account details

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What our happy clients are saying…

Human trafficking affects numerous industries. Education plays a pivotal role in protecting victims and businesses from the risks associated with human trafficking.

Benjamin Gauen Senior Deputy Prosecuting King County Prosecuting Attorney’s Office

The California Hotel & Lodging Association is pleased to endorse BEST as our exclusive human trafficking awareness training provider. BEST’s Inhospitable to Human Trafficking Training is an informative and practical resource for hoteliers and their staff. This course was designed for our industry – with the education necessary to help protect innocent victims and increase employee safety.

Lynn S. Mohrfeld President and CEO California Hotel & Lodging Association

Businesses Ending Slavery and Trafficking (BEST) has been a key partner in Port Tampa Bay’s efforts to prevent human trafficking. Our employees have taken BEST’s Ports to Freedom training, and we use BEST’s Not Alone awareness signage throughout our facilities to help human trafficking victims learn how to get help. Working with BEST has been a tremendous resource for us, complementing our efforts to ensure that the training and awareness campaigns we conduct are relevant, focused, and effective.

Mark Dubina Vice President and Chief Security Officer Port Tampa Bay
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