How do I access training?

Published on November 5, 2024

I have an enrollment code

  1. Navigate to
  2. Complete registration and enter the enrollment code you received from your employer.
    • If you have already created an account, Login to the training center. Then enter the enrollment code you received from your employer in the “Have an enrollment code” field at the top of the My Courses page.

I do not have an enrollment code

  1. I do not have an enrollment code
  2. Navigate to
  3. Select the training type, most frequently this will be ‘Individual’.
  4. Then select the industry that most closely aligns with your employer.
  5. Complete the Account details form to create your account.
  6. Click “Submit.” You will be directed to your My Courses page.
  7. On your My Courses page, click on the course to begin training.

Frequently Asked Questions